How To Blow Out Pool Lines With Air Compressor

Are you tired of costly pool repairs due to freezing water damage during the winter months? If so, it’s time to learn how to blow out your pool lines with an air compressor.

This essential step ensures that all water is removed from your pipes, preventing costly damage and repairs come springtime.

To get started, gather all necessary tools and equipment such as an air compressor, antifreeze, drain plugs, and a pool cover.

Next, drain and clean your pool thoroughly before closing all valves and attachments.

Once everything is in place, connect the air compressor to the main drain line and begin blowing out each individual line until no more water comes out.

With these easy steps in mind, let’s dive into how to blow out your pool lines properly for a worry-free winter season.

Gather the Necessary Tools and Equipment

Before starting, make sure you’ve got all the tools and equipment you need for the task. You’ll need an air compressor with a minimum of 5 horsepower, a pressure gauge, a plug or adapter for the pool’s skimmer port, and some Teflon tape. Note that not all air compressors are suitable for the task, so ensure yours can produce enough pressure to clear out the lines.

Once you’ve got everything you need, it’s time to prepare your pool for winterization. First, turn off your pool pump and filter system. Next, remove any accessories such as ladders or diving boards from the pool. Once that’s done, drain your pool water down below the level of your skimmer.

To connect your air compressor to your pool lines, use the plug or adapter that fits in your skimmer port. Before blowing out the lines, make sure all valves leading into and out of the pump are closed, so air doesn’t escape through them instead of blowing out through each individual line one at a time. Once everything’s set up, gradually increase pressure until you reach around 30 psi on your pressure gauge. Start clearing out each line individually, beginning with return lines, and wrap Teflon tape around any plugs or fittings before reinstalling them.

With this done, move on to draining and cleaning your pool.

Drain and Clean Your Pool

After draining and cleaning your pool, you’ll be amazed at how much debris and bacteria can accumulate over time. The process of draining the pool involves using a pump to remove all water from the pool.

Once all the water is out, it’s important to clean the walls, floor, and any accessories such as ladders or diving boards. Cleaning should involve using a brush or vacuum to remove dirt and algae from all surfaces. It’s also important to sanitize the pool with chemicals designed for this purpose. This will kill any remaining bacteria that may have survived during the winter months when no one was swimming.

Once your pool is drained and cleaned, you’re ready to move on to blowing out your lines with an air compressor. But before we do that, we need to make sure that all valves and attachments are closed properly so that no air escapes during the process.

Close All Valves and Attachments

Okay, so now that I’ve drained and cleaned my pool and blown out the lines with an air compressor, it’s time to move on to closing all valves and attachments. This means paying attention to three key points:

  • The skimmer baskets
  • Pump and filter
  • Heater

Let me walk you through each of these steps in detail so you can be sure your pool is properly closed for the winter season.

Skimmer baskets

You’ll want to make sure the skimmer baskets are completely cleaned out before moving on to the next step. Skimmer baskets play an important role in keeping your pool clean by trapping debris and preventing it from reaching the pump and filter. If they’re not cleared out, the debris can clog up your equipment and cause damage.

To empty the skimmer baskets, simply remove them from their housing and dump out any debris inside. You may need to use a hose or brush to dislodge stubborn dirt or leaves that have become stuck.

Once you have emptied all of the baskets, you can move on to the next section about pump and filter maintenance.

It’s important to note that even after cleaning out your skimmer baskets, there may still be some residual debris left in your pool lines. This is why it’s crucial to follow all steps carefully when using an air compressor to blow out your pool lines for winterization.

Pump and filter

Prepare your pump and filter by properly purging any particles or pollutants that may be present in the system. Turn off the power supply to your pool pump, and then open the air release valve on top of your filter. This will allow any trapped air to escape from the system.

Next, remove the drain plug at the bottom of your filter and let any remaining water drain out completely. Once this is done, reattach the drain plug and close the air release valve. It’s important to note that if you have a multiport valve on your filter, it should be set to ‘winterize’ or ‘recirculate’ mode before blowing out your pool lines with an air compressor.

This will ensure that water doesn’t get pushed back into your plumbing during this process. With these steps completed, you can now move on to preparing your heater for winter storage.


To properly winterize your pool, it’s important to take the necessary steps to prepare your heater for storage. The first step in this process is to turn off all power sources connected to the heater. This includes turning off the gas line and disconnecting any electrical connections.

Once you’ve turned off all power sources, you can begin to drain water from the heater. After draining as much water as possible from the heater, it’s time to remove any remaining water using compressed air.

Connect one end of a hose to the air compressor and insert the other end into one of the ports on your pool equipment, such as the pump or filter. Turn on the compressor and let it run until all of the water has been blown out of your system.

With your heater now properly prepared for winter storage, you can move on to connecting your air compressor and blowing out any remaining water from your pool lines.

Connect the Air Compressor

Now that you’ve got everything ready, it’s time to hook up the machine and get the air flowing. Connecting the air compressor is a crucial step in blowing out your pool lines. You’ll need to use an air hose that’s long enough to reach all of your pool equipment.

First, locate the main drain valve on your filter system and close it. This will prevent water from flowing back into your system while you’re blowing out the lines.

Next, attach one end of the hose to the compressor and the other end to a fitting near your pool pump or filter. Make sure that both connections are secure so that no air leaks out.

Once you’ve connected everything, turn on your compressor and let it build pressure until it reaches around 40 psi. At this point, you’re ready to begin blowing out your pool lines.

But before we move onto that step, make sure you have someone with you who can assist in monitoring pressure levels as well as turning off valves if necessary.

It’s important to note that different pools may require different techniques for connecting an air compressor. Be sure to consult with professionals if unsure about how best to connect yours before proceeding any further!

With everything set up correctly though, let’s move onto how exactly we go about using our newfound power source for clearing those pesky pipes!

Blow Out the Pool Lines

You’re about to unleash a torrent of dry, powerful air that will purge every last drop of water from your pool’s plumbing system. This step is crucial to prevent damage from freezing during the winter months.

Begin by opening each valve one at a time, starting with the farthest point from the compressor and working your way towards it. As you blow out each line, keep an eye on the pressure gauge and adjust accordingly. It’s important not to exceed 25 PSI as this can cause damage to your pool equipment.

Once all lines have been blown out, turn off the compressor and close each valve. Remember that blowing out pool lines is just one part of winterizing your pool.

Next up: adding antifreeze to the lines. By taking these steps now, you’ll ensure that come springtime, opening up your pool will be a breeze!

Add Antifreeze to the Lines

Get your pool ready for winter by protecting your plumbing system with antifreeze. After blowing out the pool lines with an air compressor, it’s crucial to add antifreeze to prevent any remaining water from freezing and damaging the pipes.

It’s recommended that you use non-toxic antifreeze specifically designed for pools, as regular automotive antifreeze can be harmful to both humans and pets. To add antifreeze, first close all valves leading to the pool and remove drain plugs from all equipment such as pumps and filters.

Then, attach a funnel to each opening of the equipment and pour in enough antifreeze until it reaches the top of each piece of equipment. Finally, pour some into the skimmer so that it fills up about halfway.

After adding antifreeze to your pool lines, make sure that all equipment is stored away properly and securely covered. This will ensure that your pool remains protected throughout the winter months until it’s ready for use again in spring.

By taking these precautions now, you’ll save yourself time and money on costly repairs caused by frozen pipes later on.

Cover Your Pool and Store Equipment

Before snuggling up with a cup of hot cocoa, don’t forget to protect your pool from the winter elements by covering it and safely storing all equipment.

Covering your pool is an essential step to keep leaves, debris, snow, and rainwater away from your pool water. It can also prevent damage caused by freezing temperatures and harsh weather conditions.

When choosing a cover for your pool, make sure it’s designed specifically for winter use and fits tightly over the entire surface of the pool. Check for any holes or tears before installation, as they can allow unwanted debris into the water. Additionally, if you have any water features such as fountains or waterfalls, make sure to turn off their power source and drain out all excess water.

Lastly, don’t forget to store all equipment properly. Remove ladders, diving boards, slides, and other accessories attached to your pool deck or rails. Store them in a dry place where they won’t get damaged by moisture or rusted due to exposure to outside elements.

By following these simple steps when closing up your pool for the winter season, you’ll ensure that it stays in good condition until next summer comes around again!


Well folks, that’s all there is to it! Blowing out your pool lines with an air compressor is a simple process that can save you lots of time and money in the long run.

Remember, this should be done before winterizing your pool to prevent any damage from frozen water.

As I sit here by my sparkling blue pool, covered and ready for winter, I can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment knowing that I took the necessary steps to protect my investment.

The sound of the air compressor blowing through the lines was like music to my ears, signaling that everything was going according to plan. And when I added antifreeze to the lines, it felt like a comforting blanket protecting my pool from harsh winter weather.

So go ahead and give it a try! With these easy-to-follow steps and tools readily available at your local hardware store, you’ll have no trouble blowing out your own pool lines with an air compressor.

Happy swimming (or winterizing)!